Monday, February 11, 2013

Limbo in Lauderdale

Have a look at photos of the mast work @ It's been two weeks, and we're still here. Not that I'm complaining; but seriously I'd have loved to made it to Miami by now. With the Miami Boat Show starting this coming Friday, it would have been nice to be within walking or scooter distance to the show. As it stands, we'll be there Friday and maybe Saturday. God knows I have a one or two more things to get before my systems are 100% on the boat.

That said, we are becoming very familiar with the area and Stacie may be getting a little too comfortable being here. It is a nice city for the most part, and the weather? What Can I say, it's been great! We've even had the opportunity to benefit culturally too, seeing Wicked and Cirque du Soleil - Totem.

Okay so now to answer the question... "So, what's taking you so long?" Well, a couple things. First, it took us nearly a week to have the mast pulled. Not that the actual work of it took that long, it was basically the logistics of getting the crane and riggers scheduled. It is a strange sight, watching my mast being lifted from the boat... Even stranger the boat being mast-less. I'm not sure if it was just my self-conscious nature, but it felt like everyone was staring at us as we motored back to the slip.

Here are a few pictures of the Mast work I'm doing. Basically the plan was to get down the ICW, going offshore a couple times, only when we had good weather (subjective) and during the day. Once we were in warm weather, we'd go ahead and have the Standing Rigging replaced and do some mast maintenance. After all It has been at least 12 years! And I've noticed the same European wiring in the mast... So, it is about time.

First; remove the boom and clear the running rigging

And there goes the Mast
Keeping Track of the wire?
As seen from the top. Note; Main halyard too fat!
Port & Stbd Shrouds
Where the Spinaker Halyards will be... Oh yeah, new Anchor light, VHF Antenna, & wire

Starbord Side of the Mast
Notice the Faded Spreader

New Spreader caps
Spreaders with Fresh Black Anodizing

Wrong size spreader boot!
Now all we need is to get the Standing Rigging done and installed, re-install the RADAR, run a new Main halyard (Pulling two new Spinaker chaser lines), replace the old Anchor light and Steaming light. The next update we'll be celebrating a new rig!