It was approximately 3PM Sunday June 26th, 2011; we rounded Red #2 in the Sassafras river for an official 2 hours short of 7 full days circumnavigating the Delmarva Loop!
As we got closer to the Sassafras yesterday, I decided moving Lasata to Annapolis is a must! It seems the further up the bay we went, the less the wind blew. I will be moving Lasata for sure, maybe even before the end of the season, even if I need to anchor it near Port Annapolis. Of course I will need to finish installing the solar panel to keep my batteries fresh. ...a guys gotta do what a guy has to do.
This trip was full of lots of firsts; not the least of which it was the first time I have been around the Delmarva in one continuous stretch. It was also the first time John saw "Blue Water", the first time I had a crew on my boat other than very close friends and family, the first time Lasata had a breakdown in a major shipping channel, and the first time we sailed more at night than during the day. I don't recommend this last thing in the bay, unless you are prepared to be continuously on channel 16 and channel 13 to talk to the shipping traffic. In the middle bay it is difficult to stay out of the lanes, and ship captains find recreational boats annoying at night to say the least. You should also have really good radar and radar skills aboard to ensure that you know where all the traffic is relative to you. Trust me, the ship captains get very stressed out when recreational boaters are apparently oblivious to where they are and where the ships are... if you don't know, don't go.
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